Jordan Ward, now Jordan Finder from Season 3 of 16&Pregnant is Moving!
Since we last saw her on her episode of 16&Pregnant she has married the love
of her life and baby daddy Brian Finder. Her son Noah has become a big
brother to the newest and unplanned addition to their family Arri!
Jordan's husband Brian has joined the Airfoce so that he could support his
growing family, which seems to have been a great decision!
One of the few downfalls of the Military is the constant moving.
Jordan and her family are currently residing in California and are getting
ready to move! They first have to move to San Angelo, Texas for
four months for Brian to finish some training then off to San Antonio it is!
Baby Arri is excited for the big move!
This move to Texas will also have Jordan closer to her twin sister Jess
who we all met in her episode of 16&Pregnant.
Jess has flown out to visit her sister, nephew and niece in California.
I live n san angelo and i thought i recognized her when i saw her