Monday, May 21, 2012

Which Teen Mom Couple Got Matching Tattoo's?

Kail and Javi.

Javi had given Kail a promise ring a few weeks earlier and
the couple took it one step further promising their love by getting matching tattoos!
The couple both got the infinity symbol,
Kail on her wrist and Javi on his side.

The two seem very happy and confident in their decision!

1 comment:

  1. your webpage provide me huge information about the tattooing as some times in the relationship our couple segment and love affection we can show in the another way as in the way of tattooing.I like it too much and love to do these things as you have shown some images which really shows such kind of msg through the couple tattoo.I am enjoying and like your page .Thanks for sharing with us..if any guys want more information and see more tattoos please visit on our link...
