Thursday, July 5, 2012

Family Photos?

What are your thoughts on Family Photos even after breaking up
with the other parent of your child?

Many people had mixed emotions on the last episode of Teen Mom
when on vacation Maci, Ryan and Bentley
all got together to take a new and updated family photo
at the requests of Ryan's parents.
Maci even said that Ryan's parents still had pictures of the now split
up couple together all over their house.
She also said she has a picture of the three of them in Bentley's
bedroom. How do you think this makes their new spouse feel?

Also what are your thoughts on the parents spouse taking
a family photo with a child that is not theirs?

Please comment with your thoughts and opinions below!


  1. I think its good for a child to see his family in a picture together. At least when he is older he can see his parents put away their differences to make memories for him. But.I don't think there should be a bulk of pictures all over the house.

  2. I don't see a problem with it. That's the child's true parents. The new spouses should respect that bond. It's family.
