Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Where Are They Now Wednesday!

Izabella Tovar, Jairo Rodriguez and their son Enrique Jairo are still doing great!
The couple is still together and now engaged!
Izabella says that MTV made Jairo “look much worse than he really is.
You shouldn’t always believe everything you see on TV.”
Enrique just celebrated his second birthday and had a Western/Cowboy themed party!
Izabella's son is obsessed with Toy Story and loves Woody!
Enrique had a great time and got lots of presents!

The family just went on vacation to Mexico.
While there they went to the Chapultepec Zoo and Castle, had a family reunion
with Izabella's family, and ate lots of Mexican food.
Izabella just started her senior year of high school and is in the National
Honors Society! She still plans to go to Med School after she graduates and as of
right now she hopes to become a psychologist.
Izabella's current addiction is coupons! She says she cuts them "even if I dont need the
 items that the coupons are for...its a serious problem."
When asked if she could go back in time and change anything Izabella says
"I rely on my mistakes to shape my decisions in the future. But I think the
one thing I would change is ever drifting apart from Cassidy.
She was like a sister to me until we started high school & ironically
that is when I needed her the most. I really truly miss her friendship & would go back
 to try harder with her during my freshman year.
Her and Cassidy are still friends and she even came to Enrique's 2nd Birthday party!
Izabella currently writes a blog to share the stories of other Teen Moms.
Its called everyone deserves to be heard.
She says "not everyone will be on a TV show, but that doesn't mean that their
 stories are not important. Everyone deserves to be heard!
Whether the story is about hardships, struggles, or successes and battles won,
they will be featured on the site."  You can check out her site out here.

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