Monday, October 29, 2012

Carly Gets A New Brother!

Brandon, Teresa, Carly and her new baby brother share the cover of Bethany
Christian Services' fall issue of LifeLines, a magazine for adoptive parents.
Carly recently become an older sister when the couple adopted baby Graham!
How adorable is this family!?
To get your own copy of the magazine for only .75 cents click here!

1 comment:

  1. This is very cute and it wonderful that this family is getting so big but carly should also know that she is getting another brother/sister from caitlyn also not just her adopted parents, carlys adpotive parents should recongize that. It is good to share the love with her biologicial and her adopted parents .. so carly is a big sister to 2 new babies how awesome congrats carly such a big girl
